Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hamilton Sweet

Another detour on the road to getting that PS3 project wrapped up is a little idea I've had for a couple of years.  As my friends know, I have a soft spot for whiskey (bourbon and scotch in particular) but I'm pretty much a fan of the entire whiskey family.  So the idea came to me - "What if I could make my own?"  "What would it be called?"  "What would it look like?"

One day while thinking about it, the name popped into my head - "Hamilton Sweet".  Yes!  Thats it!  Now with a name like that, it would have to have an old-time kind of feel to it and would have to have a bit of meaning behind it as well as some kind of credibility.  Well all of that kind of ties in nicely with my own family history on both sides hailing from the Ozark Mountain areas of northern Arkansas.  Perfect!  That region conjours up the same kind of imagery as the Appalachians of Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia, yet is distincively "Midwest".

So from there I invented a fictional distillery called "Old Hamilton & Sons Distillery" and based it generally in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.

Here are my ideas for the label and the bottle (not very smooth renderings, but I'm not concerned with that at this point).  My main objective is to use this product to design some nice POP displays and signage with to add to my portfolio... enjoy!


  1. Yummy... I will try some Hamilton Sweet!! :)

  2. Just like Ole Hamilton himself, he'll punch ya right in the kisser upon first contact, be your best friend the rest of the night, and then be your excuse for missing work the next morning.
